A little conversation

I wished I had been able to video something today. I was talking on my phone and watching Grace and Jack with each other. Grace was sitting in front of a small cooler bag with her snacks in it, and Jack was standing on the other side eating an ice lolly. Grace and Jack were looking at each other and one would nod or shake their head, and then the other would respond with a nod or a shake of the head. It was like watching a little unspoken conversation.

If I had to put words to it, the impression it gave me was, "That looks like some nice food in your snack pack Grace." "Yes, this is mine, and so is this, but you can have some of these." "Oh, okay."

Jack picked up the ice brick and gave it a hug and a lick and wondered off, only to return shortly. Grace then started saying, "Something warm, something warm," to Jack, then picked up the ice brick and said, "Cold," which Jack responded to by licking the ice brick again.

It was just so cute to see the way they were interacting, like they were having a conversation. I've never seen them interacting like that and it was so sweet.

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