A chill Saturday

We had a lovely slow day today. Croissants for a lazy late breakfast (even though Eli started the day at 05h30), then off to the Waterfront for a few things.

One thing that Grace wanted to do was to go and see the pirate ship. There is a new pirate song they are singing at school and Grace has been asking about pirates. Me (having a daddy fail last night) starts answering the questions and telling her about real pirates – the kind that steal your stuff and kick you off the boat. Her tears showed me the errors of my ways and from now on I'll just speak about the fun arg-matey type of pirates. Fortunately that was all in the past this morning and she was excited to see the ship, as well as the pirate tatoo artist sitting on the dock.

Eli loved walking around in the moby checking out the world, Grace loved having some gelato, and we all just enjoyed taking it slow with too much of an agenda.

Back home, some chilling and reading inside, and then out into the garden for some water fun in the shell, some chops on the braai and a peaceful end to the day.


  1. Reply
    Stefan van der Walt January 21, 2013

    Neighborly pirates, ice cream and chops on the fire–what could be better!

  2. Reply
    Duncan Drennan January 21, 2013

    The same + friends? đŸ˜‰ Looking forward to seeing you again!

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