5 years in Cape Town

Today, 5 years ago, we arrived back in Cape Town. Donné, myself and Motie cat in a car for 15 hours or so, and all Motie ate was a few pieces of hot cross bun. It was certainly a ballsy, throw caution to the wind move. We resigned from our jobs, packed our things and moved back with few immediate chances of actually being able to earn any money once back in Cape Town. Three months later we bought our first house, just to make sure we really were pushing our risk taking to the max. Miraculously we were blessed to actually receive a mortgage, even though we had little to prove we could actually afford it (ah, the pre national credit act days…).

When one looks at it in retrospect I can imagine the grey hairs growing on our parents heads.

We made a leap, a leap from where we were to where we wanted to be, and it has worked out amazingly well. I am really glad we did it. I believe this year is going to be another year of leaping forward and I am looking forward to it.

My first Cape Town desk (which I worked at for 3 months)


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