3 like a B

Eli has been working on his number recognition at school, and even though they could see he understood the numbers through other work, getting him to recognise and name them was being a challenge, with him getting stuck at 3. One of his teachers said to him, “Look Eli, if you turn it over it looks like a B, three like a B.” He then starts again at one, “1…2…like a B!”

We actually took him for an assessment with the speech therapist to make sure there were no working memory or other issues, but according to her everything is perfectly fine, he just has word finding trouble which children typically grow out of. With that understanding in hand and a few guidelines from the speech therapist we’ve been helping him find the words and now he is getting very excited about his numbers, looking for them everywhere.

There is a 3 on the sail of one of the bath toy boats, and he picked it up and excitedly said, “3 like a B sail!”

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