Monthly Archives: May 2015

“Silly Maya”

Maya came for a play date today, and the three of them had lots of fun. Eli didn’t even want to go to swimming today because he wanted to stay and play with Maya, and then kept getting out of the pool at swimming saying, “All done, go home.”

Comment of the day goes to Maya though. We were having lunch and Maya says to Grace, “Grace, I didn’t know you had a dad, I thought you just had a mom.” Brief pause for this to sink in, and then Eli replies, “Silly Maya,” and all of them start giggle while Eli repeats himself a few times.

Story time in the table tent


Getting ready to be a big brother

Some friends visited yesterday and they have a little six week old son, Gregory. After checking out the baby Eli went off to fetch Andrew (a doll from Donné’s childhood), brought him downstairs and started to put him to sleep, “Doo, doo, baby.”

It feels like seeing little Gregory triggered something in his mind – maybe it just made the outcome of the pregnancy very tangible – and he is now talking about the baby differently, like he is excited to meet the little one.

He went on to spend some more time playing with Andrew today, taking him to the toilet and putting him to sleep. I’m sure in a few months we’ll see the two little ones sleeping next to each other…

Eli and Andrew


We also embraced Donné’s nesting on Mother’s day and changed Grace’s room around so that it can be a good space for both her and Eli. Eli embraced this wholeheartedly, so we ended up moving him entirely into his new room with Grace. Eli and Grace are now sharing a room, with all of Eli’s things moved. Going to sleep is going to be a bit of a challenge until the two of them get used to this, but fortunately we have a long stretch for them to settle before the baby arrives.

Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!

Grace busy teaching Eli to play rock, paper, scissors. Eli is saying, “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! I win!”

It feels so good


Grace is notoriously bad at actually washing her back – I think she just forgets its there because she can’t see it. So while Eli was waiting to wash Tracy the bath doll, we put him to work washing Grace’s back.

As he starts she says, “It feels so gooooood.”

Good night hair

After prayers in the evening, Eli turns off Grace’s light and then goes to his room to cuddle with mom before sleep time. I say goodnight to Grace and sort her out, and then go to Eli’s room.

Most times when I go in the picture is the same. Eli and Donné snuggled under the covers, with Eli holding Donné’s hair. “Okay, time to say goodnight to mommy,” which he usually resists a bit, mainly because he doesn’t want to let go of Donné’s hair. When he does eventually let go it’s not “Good night mommy,” but rather, “Good night hair!” The one soft toy that he loves, which he just can’t keep to sleep with.

Leaf crashing

Let’s rake up some leaves into a nice big pile…


…while Eli rides his bike around the circle.


What’s happening? Oh no, he’s coming my way!




If you listen carefully, you can still hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the rake gets thrown down.

Surprise lunch

I arrived home for lunch today, walked in and heard Donné saying to the children, “Go and tell daddy what’s happening for lunch.” Two hyper children come running down the stairs shouting excitedly and Grace says, “Daddy! Your mommy and daddy are coming for lunch!” What?!? Eli lifts up his arms and calls out, “Bobo, Damps!”

My folks came down for a last minute arranged meeting which fortunately finished early giving them enough time to come by for a surprise lunch. We met and Woolworths, and before we left Donné asked Grace what she was going to have for lunch. Grace thinks a bit and then suddenly her eyes widen and literally light up, “Sushi!”

We had a brief but lovely time, which ended with both Grace and Eli sad that they had to go. In Eli’s words, “More Bobo, Damps.”

The farm school paradigm

We’re very aware of the amazing environment that Grace and Eli get to go to school in, but for them they don’t really know any different. On Tuesday’s Grace’s class have sports, and today they went on a hike through the forest around the school.

This afternoon Hannah and Rebecca, who go to a traditional school, were visiting from next door. Grace says to Hannah, “We went on a hike today.” Hannah replies, “Oh, did you go on an outing?” Grace, in her usual straightforward manner says, “No, we went on a hike today.” It is not crossing Grace’s mind that the ability to hike without it being an outing might not be the norm. Hannah thinks about it for a moment, “Okay, so you went on a hike for an outing today.”

Donné took a moment to explain to Hannah about Grace’s sport and the school being on a farm. We’re privileged to be a part of the school, and our children are privileged to be able to take part in the opportunities that it offers.

Sharing the bowl

Grace wanted to bake a cake today – a vanilla one with purple icing and sprinkles on top. We had a good time baking it together, and she is looking forward to when she can bake a cake on her own like Victoria and Athena.

Other than the end product, there are plenty of benefits to baking a cake….I’m just wondering how this will look with three sharing the bowl.


Old friends, good food, great combo

Catching up with old friends, enjoying a meal together and a successful first attempt at making chocolate fondant!

Getting some cuddles from Lance and Justin
