Monthly Archives: January 2012

The flip side

On the one hand Grace is getting cuter and sweeter, kinder and funnier, more loving and warm, and on the other she is becoming more demanding and moany, challenging and difficult.

It is wonderful to experience the joy of a heartfelt hug, or Grace laughing at something she thinks is, “very funny,” but so frustrating when she tries moaning and crying to get what she wants (as a side note we are now putting her on her bed and telling her that she can come back when she is finished moaning – it works surprisingly well).

It feels like there has been a jump in her emotions, or at least in her ability to express them. Some things are “very funny,” when she hurts herself it is, “very sore,” or she can be, “very sad,” if she is not allowed to watch Dora or when Outsurance decides to change their billboard and the purple piggy bank is no longer there, “very sad, no take away,” (while crying).

It is a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but it really is quite amazing to experience her growth in this area. And the loving cuddles and hugs are good too.

Games day

With it being a little too hot to be outside in the middle of the day Grace and I decided to have a "games" day.  We built some puzzles, matched mommy animals with their babies and homes, and matched colours. When she got tired of doing this, her way out was to say that the next game was "too tricky" which made me laugh.  I have also discovered that when she is hungry she tells me "tummy sore, very sore" 🙂

This afternoon Grace wanted to play with the glue so I drew some shapes and she decorated them with various items from the kitchen.  I think she mostly enjoyed putting the glue on and then painting with the food colouring and water.

Grace sticking some macaroni in her rectangle  


Enjoying painting with yellow paint – yellow seems to be her new favourite colour.


This morning Grace spoke to my mom briefly on the phone. This is a little of the conversation which I thought was very sweet:

Granny:  Where's Ker? 
Grace:  In PE
Granny: Where's Granny?
Grace: On the phone
Granny: Where's Grace?
Grace: Jumping on the couch 

Grace the builder

Since Grace helped Duncan put together her dolls house she has wanted to play with the screwdriver.  So today I took out her nuts, bolts and screwdriver and she enjoyed fastening and fastening, first with the screwdriver and then with her hand. 


All done!


Over-the-wall swimming


Jack and Grace enjoyed a swim in the Bradshaw’s neighbours pool today. I loved how Grace was jumping into the pool for the first time. She stands on the edge and launches herself to me. I am not letting her go under yet, but soon we’ll try that. Swimming lessons start again this week and it is going to be great fun!

Gathering little memories

Today was filled with lots of little things to remember, like dancing in the shops…..I never realised Grace was into Lady Antebellum…

We also made a trip to Stodels so that Grace could be more helpful with the watering – a definite improvement from her tiny watering can. I enjoy watering the garden with Grace – it is nice to have her running around with me and helping – although I think the thing that she loves most is watering her hand.

While we were at Stodels we walked through the petting zoo area (mandatory) and came across some noisy roosters. Grace really dislikes noisy birds – for some reason they seem to just freak her out a bit. I am not too sure why (although the noisy bird that gave her a fright in the Jeffrey’s Bay pet store did not help), but I did decide to work with her to teach her to cover her ears when there is a noise she does not like. Grace is definitely sensitive to noise in general, so being able to cover her ears will be a good skill to have.

It was really interesting how the noisy rooster stuck with her though. When she was bathing and going to bed she spoke about the rooster over and over again, “Come round corner, noisy rooster, mommy take away, put down at goats.” She went through the story over and over again, sometimes reenacting the distressed emotion. What made me laugh was when she told me she was going to dream about roosters tonight 🙂 Friendly, quiet roosters that is.

This afternoon while we were playing she said a really long sentence, “Mommy jumping on Gracie’s trampotine, Gogo and Gramps bought.” A nearly fully formed sentence! Really proud of our little noodle for doing so well with her language.

Grace has also started using the word “very” quite a bit, mostly to say, “very sore.” The other way she uses it is when something is, “very funny,” and we had two of those today. Moving the sprinkler and having it flick around and float through the air while spraying water was “very funny” and the snake and toilet roll rolling down a hill at the end of a Richard Scarry book elicited lots of laughter.

Cuddle bunny

Grace has become a real cuddle bunny…and Donné and I love it! Donné and I like to hug and hold hands and just generally be affectionate, so it is lovely to get great big bear hugs and loving kisses from our little girl.

Another nice thing is when a stranger listens and offers some words which change the nature of your day. Thank you Lord for blessing us with kind hearted people, may we be the kind hearted people to someone else. Amen


After our time in Jeffrey's Bay a babychino has become an everyday event for Grace….which also means lots of foam for Mr Spicy. He knew that all his kindness towards Grace would pay off one day.



The pay off!



"Two sides…one side, two side, go Muwa now!" says Grace as she stands on the couch looking out the window at our neighbours house across the street. She wants to go for a trip across the road to stroke their dog Mula. So off we go across the street, first to the one side….no Mula….then to the other…ahh there she is. "Muwa, Muwa!" One stroke and then, "All done! Go home now."

Well, at least I give Mula more than just one stroke.

Help mowing

Grace's first lesson in mowing the lawn



Our holiday is coming to an end and tomorrow I am back at work…..I am ready…..I think I am ready…..I think I am ready?

Right now it feels a bit daunting to be returning, but I know that just means I have to lean into it, to push against that wall.

I am looking forward to the year. It is going to be exciting and challenging, and I am going to have to remain calm and keep my wits about me to stay on top of everything. It is going to be a year of great results – both in my business and personally.

I hope that you all can feel the energy of doing something both challenging and exciting in the year ahead.
