The doll makeover

On Sunday afternoon Grace said to me, “Daddy, come spend some time with me,” and enlisted me to help dress her dolls and soft toys. Each of them had to have an outfit, which meant squashing and squeezing them into various beanies, onesies, and Barbie dresses. I asked Grace what they were getting dressed for and she said, “For school.”

Once they all had some form of attire she decided it was time for a photo. She then spent the rest of the afternoon on her own little mission setting up the photograph, and by rest of the afternoon I mean at least an hour (probably longer). She put them onto tables, moved them around over and over, brought other tables to the playroom, made sure that everyone could be seen by organising some height, and who knows what else. I just know that she disappeared into her own little world to arrange the photograph.

Of course when the photographer did finally arrive he complained about the light and helped her to turn it all around for better exposure.

Grace’s dolls, all ready for school


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