On June 10, 2012
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Grace and Duncan painting her little kitchen / wash stand
Grace is really enjoying all her imaginary play at the moment. A large part of today was spent "baking" cupcakes, brownies, coney rolls, and cake for Little Girl (from her Lego) and Pig's birthday party. According to Grace it was Little Girl's 2nd birthday and Pig's 6th. Goodies were baked, friends were invited, happy birthday was sang and candles were blown out. Hours of fun playing this game. Grace got the cupcake tin, a cake tin, beaters, baking paper etc from the kitchen and used her playdough to bake the cakes. It was very sweet to watch, we all got to sample her delicious treats!
Grace is very safety conscious so when she made a car for Little Girl and Pig they had to get seat belts made of elastic bands, so they could be safe 🙂