Getting ready to be a big brother

Some friends visited yesterday and they have a little six week old son, Gregory. After checking out the baby Eli went off to fetch Andrew (a doll from Donné’s childhood), brought him downstairs and started to put him to sleep, “Doo, doo, baby.”

It feels like seeing little Gregory triggered something in his mind – maybe it just made the outcome of the pregnancy very tangible – and he is now talking about the baby differently, like he is excited to meet the little one.

He went on to spend some more time playing with Andrew today, taking him to the toilet and putting him to sleep. I’m sure in a few months we’ll see the two little ones sleeping next to each other…

Eli and Andrew


We also embraced Donné’s nesting on Mother’s day and changed Grace’s room around so that it can be a good space for both her and Eli. Eli embraced this wholeheartedly, so we ended up moving him entirely into his new room with Grace. Eli and Grace are now sharing a room, with all of Eli’s things moved. Going to sleep is going to be a bit of a challenge until the two of them get used to this, but fortunately we have a long stretch for them to settle before the baby arrives.

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