Monthly Archives: April 2016

New bed

Adam is now in his own bedroom, on a mattress on the floor (Montessori room style). He just needs a little bit of a kraal around him to make sure he doesn’t exit the bed while wriggling around in the middle of the night. Once he gets going we’ll need to work on the rest of the room so that he can discover and explore on his own.


Strike a pose

It turns out we shouldn’t be asking Grace to smile for photos, next time I’ll just try, “Strike a pose Gracie!”IMG_20160419_082152.jpg

In other exciting news Adam is sleeping in his own room for the first time tonight. We’ve set up a a full size bed mattress on the floor Montessori style, so he’ll have quite a bit of freedom when he starts to move around.

Lamb chops

Oh lamb chop, how do I love you, let me ponder the ways


The Lady & the Cowboy

We joined Angela to celebrate her birthday today, and there were lots of dress-up clothes…

The Lady of the house


Stick ’em up and hand over the cake.



The real milestones

Milestone cards seem to be quite popular these days, even on this blog, and it’s not surprising seen as they are cute and help to keep a record of all the traditional milestones. There are some that they missed though – the real milestones. These are the ones that every parent gets to experience, but wouldn’t necessarily make for the best photos.

  • My first volcano poo (the one the spurts out the back of the nappy and up their back)
  • My first projectile vomit (typically aimed at a parent)
  • The first time daddy dropped me
  • My first visit to the hospital (after daddy dropped me)
  • My first medicine (and how I spat it out)
  • My first suppository
  • My first time with the nebuliser
  • ….and the list goes on

Little sick guy passed out in the Ergo on a very tired mom


Truck moment


Pictures only tell the story of a moment, just like this one. It looks like they are playing sweetly together with the little cars, but what is really happening is that Adam is grabbing Eli’s cars, and Eli is getting worked about it. And after Eli has put them all onto the truck? Time for Adam to knock it all over.

Grace used to build block towers for Eli to knock over, I wonder how Eli is going to deal with a crawling baby messing with his stuff.

Gogo jersey

Gogo has been knit, knit, knitting for all of our children, and little Adam likes his new jersey.


And this is too cute not to put up

Oh delicious!

Getting to grips with some banana and avo can be……messy


Grass cuttings

For precision trimming lawn trimming, employ children with small hands and tiny scissors


The Lion, the bump and Adam’s wardrobe

Grace with her lion hair after having it tied up overnight


Eli and Grace had a collision on the water slide yesterday, leaving Eli with a bump over his left eye (you can see his eyebrow is swollen)


Adam fortunately has received wardrobe donations and improvements from many friends, so he has loads of super cute outfits.
