Monthly Archives: January 2016

Watching the watching

Adam kept his eye on them while they watched TV.


The happy sleepy place

Ah, the Moby wrap, a wonderful design to help your baby sleep and free you hands to take selfies (and do other productive things too).


The Cat in the hat, as read by Grace Drennan

I’ve been saying for a while, “Grace can read, she just hasn’t realised it yet.” She reads signs, and things on TV, and over Donné’s shoulder when she is sending a message (to Donné’s great frustration).

In the junior primary they have a time for silent reading, and I think that time, combined with the new environment and an increased interest in books over the last few months, has triggered a change in the way she thinks about reading.

The tooth fairy cometh!

Grace has been wiggling her loose tooth this whole week, and it finally paid off when her first tooth fell out today.


There was lots of excitement with this being the first visit of the tooth fairy.


I didn’t actually think Grace believed in the tooth fairy, but pictures were drawn and left for her, and there was lots of speculation as to the amount of money that would be exchanged for the tooth.


Let’s see how the excitement levels go in the morning…

Smiles and push ups

This little guy is just full of smiles. Maybe that is one of the (many) reasons Eli says, “When can we get another baby? I want another Adam.”


He is pushing up nicely to take a look around.


12 week cutie pie

Our little man is 12 weeks old and full of smiles.


He went for his vaccinations on Tuesday and when they weighed him he was 7.8kg (with a nappy and clothes). Eli was 7.8kg at 5 months. Let’s just say he is growing well.

Pom-poms and karate kicks

Adam is working so hard at figuring out his hands and feet. He did manage to successfully karate kick some of the hanging toys.


Grace and Eli got some pom-pom art at the Wimpy on the way to Jeffreys Bay, which they both enjoyed making. Unfortunately the pom-pom’s did not stick very well, so the pictures came apart. When we were packing Donné decided to just throw Grace’s one away, as Grace hadn’t give it any attention. A few days after we got back, “Where’s my pom-pom art?” Oh bother. Mosaic art to the rescue…


Feeling fatty


Those hands, Adam is discovering them and loving spending time just staring at them.

Eli takes off his towel, rubs his hands on himself and says, “I feeling fatty. I need a swim.” Huh? Donné asks him, “Do you mean sweaty my boy?” “NO, not sweaty, fatty.” Donné says “If you are feeling hot then it means you can be sweaty.” He grumps back (with a sour look on his face), “I sweaty.”

First day of junior school

Today was Grace’s first day of junior primary school. She is continuing at Newberry Montessori, and will most likely be there for the rest of her school career.


She came home happy and smiling, having loved it entirely, and excited to go back for more tomorrow.


Apparently this is the gregarious phase.


Eli returned to his class too, and this year will be his first full year in the pre-primary class. In true preschool fashion he let us know what he got up to today, “I did nothing today.” We did manage to figure out that he played with little Grace, and he seemed to be happy and have had a good day.


We were both very happy that Grace had such a good day. She was nervous this morning, we could tell by how she kept running through all the possible things that might happen during the day.


It was a very successful start to the new school year, and I’m looking forward to hearing all the stories that will come home this year.


Diving down

Donné helped Eli to figure out how to dive down to the bottom to fetch his “treasure” and then he kept doing it over and over again for about an hour…