My first raspberry

Eli blew his first raspberry today! And he is 5 months old today

It has been fascinating to watch him working on blowing raspberries. He has been getting excited every time we blow one, and working desperately hard to stick out his tongue. Yesterday we had spats of drool each time he would try, and today – wala – there's a raspberry!


  1. Reply
    Stefan van der Walt February 22, 2013

    Very impressive to blow your own Raspberry at 5 months. I remember blowing my first audio card only at age 7. Did he do it by switching the polarity of the power supply, or simply by drooling on it? Either way, I feel quite sorry for his poor dad–these pies don’t come cheap.

    [For those of you who don’t get this comment, please ignore as engineering humor 🙂 ]

  2. Reply
    Duncan Drennan February 22, 2013

    Got to love engineering humour 🙂

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