Sunday happenings

Early morning guitar lessons (actually from yesterday)


Cookie prep for a visit with the ladies tomorrow


Some friends – AndrĂ©, Suanne, Hannah and Tyler – made the arduous journey from down the road (literally) for an awesome Sunday afternoon visit. It is really super-awesome to have made friends with some really lovely people, whose daughter is in school with Grace, who Grace loves to play with, and they live in our street. Great combo. It is also just so lovely to see Grace playing with such gusto, having fun and going for it full on.

Two Montessori children cleaning up some mess…..but the picture doesn't tell the whole story – after this Grace was all done and I ended up sweeping most of the rice up.


It wasn't long ago that Grace was having a hissy-fit if someone jumped on the trampoline with her, today all three of them were going for it together.


Oh, ice cream, how do I love you?


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