Sleep walking musical chairs

Day 2 of camp was a rough one for Grace, at least the first part of it. She is sick, dropped a couple of hours sleep last, and was up at 5h30 this morning, so there was lots of moaning, and "I too tired to walk!" Luckily she was happy whenever she saw Hannah.

My favourite comment from the morning about Grace's tiredness was when Karen asked, "Grace, are you busy sleepwalking?"

Fortunately she chirped up in the afternoon and even went for her first supertube ride, which she enjoyed other than the splash at the end.

At one point the four girls were playing musical chairs, but each had allocated a chair to themselves. Emma's older sister was directing and she took Grace's pink chair out, but placed it close behind her. When it was time to sit each ran to their chair, with Grace hurrying to hers to the cheers of the mommy crowd. Maybe a different game for now.

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