Pocket bunny

Marshmallow likes lettuce leaves, warm pockets to sleep in and hiding under the cupboards in the bathroom. When I say “under” I mean behind and under, which is inaccessible to humans without destroying the cupboards. That means Adam is constantly there trying to see if she has come out, which also means she keeps hiding away.
After a while she comes out to eat some lettuce leaves, and then as soon as someone goes to get her, whoosh, and she is back behind the cupboards. So along comes dad with his patented towel stopper. He eyes the bunny. She is eating leaves. The bunny eyes dad. Crunch, crunch. Dad throws the towel in an attempt to block off the exit. Bunny dashes. The gap is small, will the towel make it before bunny? The floor is wooden and slippery for bunny paws, will the bunny make it before the towel? The towel lands on bunny. Dad saves the day.