One week into schooling at home
One week into schooling and I am definitely feeling tired. I am not very teaching fit, that is a given and the logistics of trying to give everyone what they need has me feeling like a plate spinner at times. I know I need to be kind to myself and my 3 but let’s just say I don’t always get it right.
One thing I am loving is making material for our class. I just love it, I find it therapeutic and fulfilling.
Today we did the phases of the moon and had fun using oreos to represent the various phases. Of course the photo was taken and then the 3 of them did a magic trick making the oreos disappear!

I gave Grace and Eli some follow up work to do on the moon while I helped Adam prepare snack. I love the work ethic that the Montessori classroom has instilled in them. When I came back 20 minutes later they were both completing their phases of the moon booklets.

Adam enjoyed working on some fine motor activities today and was keen to join the other two with the lesson of the moon.

I do love their love for learning. I just need to make sure I can keep up.