Morning goodbyes

This morning when I dropped Grace off at school she nearly forgot to say goodbye. When we arrived Catelin came to say hello. Grace went over hugged her, and the two of them walked off holding hands, with Grace chatting away. I didn't want there to be drama in 5 minutes when she realised she didn't say goodbye to me, so I had to call her back. Quick hug and off she went again. Our sweet girl is really enjoying school and her friends.

Janine was going to work on some letter sounds and recognition, so she was taking out letters to show Grace. As she took them out Grace would say, "eh" "oh" and so on. After a few attempts to find some she didn't recognise Janine drew some dotted letters for her to follow in her work book and sent her off to complete that, expecting some scribbling. A little while later she comes back with no scribbling and some really well formed letters. All that sitting with Janine last year watching the Grade R presentations has paid off.

Time for you check-up….say ahh


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