First Week of School
With a year and a half of homeschooling under our belt, the start of this year definitely had a familiar rhythm which was good for all of us.

Homeschooling definitely has its challenges and by Friday I feel rather done, and introvert me is looking for a place to hide and be on my own, but it has so many positives.
I love that we can start the hot days off in the pool. With the heat we have been having its never too early to be in the pool

I love that we can play instruments and have lessons early in the morning when we are fresh. Grace has decided to take a break from violin and has started teaching herself guitar. Eli is still enjoying cello and Adam has decided he will try playing piano.

I love that we get to learn as a family and share in our discoveries together. I realised this week that I really am addicted to finding nice materials and resources to work with. When I mentioned this at dinner, Grace and Duncan, at the same time, said “I know”….
We are currently working through the Harbor and Sprout Aviation unit. The materials are amazing and as we started the science module on the various forces a airplane experiences, Grace commented “I love school” which made my heart very happy.

Eli has taken on a project to propagate various succulents and is enjoying recording the process

Overall it was a good first week, with everyone dusting off the cogs and getting to work on various projects, maths and language.