Easter Trees and Exercises
Today started with my kids doing a 40 minute “triathlon” which included 20 minutes of cycling, 10 minutes of running and 10 minutes of trampoline jumping! Grace said it was a great way to start the morning. I must admit I didn’t join them but rather opted for a yoga workout!
I have been talking about salt dough easter eggs for a week now and finally made some today. All 3 kids had great fun rolling the dough, making the eggs and then decorating them. It was so awesome to watch their little production line they had going for tying the string. Eli cut the string, Adam threaded it and Grace tied the knots.

Adam and I also made play dough today which we used to practice some numbers (Adam) and cursive (Eli)

Well….I guess I was wrong and Adams total meltdown the other night wasn’t because it was late….mmm. So this went down. We all told Adam to play his +4 to stop Eli winning but he refused to listen…and instead……
I guess we will continue to work on his losing skills, one day at a time. Although to be honest I’m still working on them and I’m in my 40s ?