Ducky’s and gunfire

After the strawberry picking we went to the Root 44 market with our friends. Grace has been waiting and waiting for a chance to play the Ducky game again after last time, saving up her chore money for both her and Hannah to have a turn. Going for the Ducky game was just about the entire reason she wanted to go.

Eli also had a turn this time, but wasn’t worried about the prize, he just wanted to keep catching ducks



Grace also had a turn to fire a paintball gun at some cans (thanks André!). Hannah went first and carefully aimed between each bullet. Grace had more of a reign-of-fire approach with the bullets coming thick and fast. She did actually manage to hit one of the cans though.

Ready, aim, fire-fire-fire-fire…


Everyone had fun riding in the teacups

After all of that we all just enjoyed a day together, playing, talking and taking a walk down to the park.

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