Adam is our third child, so we’ve been around the block a few times already, but what is really cool to enjoy is how special each of his achievements is – the first time he smiled, the first time he sat, the first time he…..
Each thing is just as exciting with him as it was with the other two – it turns out that the shine doesn’t wear off. It is special opportunity to be able to watch him grow and discover the world around him.
They do love each other, and they do think that the others are funny. Eli laughs at Grace, Adam gives them both smiles and giggles, Grace gets lots of joy from watching her two little brothers.
Puzzling away (which in this case means grab and chew)
At six months Adam is 10.2kg, 71cm long, and has a head circumference of 46cm. Eli and Grace were both 8.6kg, 70cm long at six months….
Enjoying his first taste of rye bread
We were looking for a small glass for Adam, and one of our friends (Heather), gave us three large tot glasses – one for each of them. Now it is tot glasses and straws and a jug for refills.
On the nights that I have a parents association meeting, the evening routine runs a bit differently. Today it was puzzle building and practising working on an abacus.
And we need some photos of Adam being his cute self
Sometimes, you’re just having fun and laughing…
…and other times you’re getting head butted by your brother (while your parents are trying to video something else).
So we all do fit into a smaller car. Three in the back seems to work quite well in the Corolla (the Mazda is in for repairs)
Adam officially survived six months of crazy parents and crazy siblings
That 6 month card got a good nosh – teeth bothering anyone?
He is such a sweet little guy – love him to bits.
I was chatting to Lucy (one of Eli’s teachers) when I collecting him this afternoon, and he drifted down the stairs outside the classroom. I look over the balcony to see this…
One of the gutters had a stream of water running down from it, and Eli (very fortunately in his full rain gear) is standing directly underneath this solid stream.
He had said to me when I arrived, “Rain tastes good!” so he went on for some extra rain experience…
Yum, yum, let’s get a lick of that delicious rain water!
Thanks Lucy for the photos!
Adam is now in his own bedroom, on a mattress on the floor (Montessori room style). He just needs a little bit of a kraal around him to make sure he doesn’t exit the bed while wriggling around in the middle of the night. Once he gets going we’ll need to work on the rest of the room so that he can discover and explore on his own.
It turns out we shouldn’t be asking Grace to smile for photos, next time I’ll just try, “Strike a pose Gracie!”
In other exciting news Adam is sleeping in his own room for the first time tonight. We’ve set up a a full size bed mattress on the floor Montessori style, so he’ll have quite a bit of freedom when he starts to move around.