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Eyeball threat

Grace’s ballet teacher is away and in the first class with the substitute teacher she said that she has a stick in her bag to poke anyone who does not behave.

This entirely upset Grace and she was very upset for the rest of the day, nothing we could say calmed her down, and she didn’t want to go again the next week. I said to her, “Grace, it is an idle threat, she isn’t actually going to poke anyone with her stick.”

The next day she was calmer, and by the time her lesson came around she was fine to go, and enjoyed her lesson without any issues.

Afterwards she says to Donné, “Dad was right, it was an eyeball threat.”

Morning playtime – Eli with the train, Adam chewing Lego blocks and Grace colouring in (with the correct pencil grip, without any reminders!)


They did it

It is good to have two crazy siblings who love you dearly


Adam will always have a scapegoat



The hoodie clan


Winter is coming, and hoodies are keeping us warm.

Paper monsters

Grace made a paper monster in needle craft, and the went on to make a paper pool, house, towel and more for her monster. Now she is making paper food and other sections of the house at home.

First tooth

Adam’s first tooth has peaked through the gums! Donné noticed the tooth yesterday, but we couldn’t feel it. Today we can feel the little point sticking through.


Not quite a story

Grace was reading to Eli while Donné was busy putting Adam to sleep (and I was at a school meeting), and when Donné came into their room, she was greeted with this picture.


That is Grace’s journal in her hand, the book where she writes things like, “08:00 – I am at school” and “10:00  – Lesson: Fun with the noun.” She had been reading her journal to Eli for 15min, and that wasn’t quite the story he was expecting.

7 months

Time is zooting along and Adam is now 7 months old. His mission at the moment is to figure out crawling. Yesterday he managed to get on to all fours and keep it there for a while – crawling is coming.


He’s had a bit of a rough month being up and down with coughing and ear infections. Let’s hope that the month ahead brings better things for him. Even through it all, he’s still a smiling, happy little guy.


Only on Saturdays

Grace has been wanting to buy these yoghurt tubes for the past couple of weeks, but when we’ve been grocery shopping we haven’t seen any of these tubes in the shop. It seemed to us like they had stopped selling them, but Grace was not convinced.

She says this morning, “Can we go to the shops today to buy some yoghurt thingies?”
Me, “Grace, I don’t think they sell them anymore.”
Grace, “I think they sell them on Saturdays. We’ve been there on Sundays, so I think they only sell them on Saturdays.”
Me, “Grace it doesn’t work like that, they probably just don’t sell them anymore.”
Grace, “Can we please go to the shops?”

Okay, not getting anywhere here. As things worked out, we did end up at the shop today, and….


That is her, “I’m so chuffed with myself face.” I did have a good laugh when things turned out exactly the way she thought they would. High fives all round and yoghurt for Grace.

Box boys

Boxes are always fun


Say mama

Adam has been chatty so Donné thought she would encourage him a bit….with a surprising result