Posts in Category: Uncategorized

Dance moves

Grace and Eli had been dancing in the playroom, and then gone off leaving Adam behind. I went to check on him and found him bopping around to the music.


We had a bootnic after a good ride at the bicycle track.

Grace’s riding is getting so much stronger, and it seems to be in part due to the riding she is doing at school in her mountain biking extra mural which she is really enjoying. 


Adam decided the weir looked like a nice splash pool 

Grace and Eli took some time to cool off while taking a ride through Radloff Park

The gold medal (and the other medal)

Finn was awarding medals….

If you’re happy…

The 3rd tooth

Adam has finally cut his third tooth today! He is certainly taking his time to slowly push them out. 

Sister cuddles 

10 months

Adam is 10 months old today – we’ll wipe our eyes and he’ll be a year old.


He is considering a career in fire fighting


And, as always, he is deeply loved by his siblings (and parents)!



Down the steps

And now Adam has mastered going down the steps too, making our home a much safer place.

Library club

A while back we ran into some friends from school at the library, and then it happened again and again – our Saturday library trips seem to line up. So today we organised a library trip and then on into a playdate and lovely relaxed day getting to know some new friends. 

Lots of time and effort went into the end of day show 

Boys and toys 

Trucks and balls and golf clubs – these are the things boys are made out of…..with an occasional pink car too.

Having some fun with Matt.