Addy was making use of the good weather to do some digging in the garden
I’ve embarked on a bit of a dishwasher challenge. The dishwasher has been tripping the power, so I decided to see how many pieces I could turn it into before trying to turn it back into a dishwasher.
Some cooling off and splashing on a play date that was ostensibly about preparing for entrepreneurs day
We decided to make a woodwork bench for Eli for his birthday, and I fortunately had an amazing opportunity to join a DIY workship this morning to make it all happen. Brent, a friend of ours, recently started his own woodworking business and is planning to offer DIY workshops in the near future. To prepare for that he offered a session to friends to get some feedback on the whole thing, so this was a perfect opportunity to go and make use of all the toys and learn from someone with lots of experience.
It was a great morning, I learned lots, had fun doing it, and managed to complete the workbench in record time. Thanks so much Brent!
Eli with the end result
Work in progress
Marguerite and her painter’s shelves
By the end of the morning
The poor little guy has been so sick this week. Fever, and some serious congestion – which lead to some serious snoring
Eli figured out how to ride his big bike! He was super chuffed that he could ride all on his own with his peddle bike
One thing that is inevitable with summer is new swimming costumes, and when the children tried theirs on they decided that Addy had to put his on too, and then ran around all afternoon in their costumes asking when they could swim.
Swim suit shoot time…
Grace’s class celebrated Roald Dahl day by dressing up as their favourite characters. I slipped in this morning to take a few photos, but we were a bit late for school, so I only managed to get a few quick shots.
Grace went as the boy from the witches (after he was turned into a mouse)
Mr Willy Wonka (Janpaul)
“Mrs” Wonka (Isabella) and Nyasha as the “Grand high vitch”
Gawa, another Grand High Witch (and Chloe who I didn’t get a shot of was Mrs Honey)
There were also enormous crocodiles, a number of Matilda’s, a Mr Twit and I think one BFG.
We joined Niyaz and Nithar to celebrate their birthday at True Grit this afternoon. True Grit is a bike park close to Sir Lowry’s Village, just outside of Somerset West, and the kids loved it. There were certainly plently of scrapes and bumps, but loads of happy children riding and having fun. Eli just kept going around and around, getting faster and faster each time.
Ready to go