It’s suddenly here, and I feel like it has snuck up on me – tomorrow Adam turns one.
In preparation Adam decide to sample one of mommies birthday cookies
No matter what they say, playing with your food can be fun
The little guy, practising standing and showing off his new PJs
Adam has a little loop that he likes to do on the jungle gym
With Grace and the rest of the family at her camp, Eli had the opportunity to spend the night with Oli and Finn. There was super excitement before the sleep over, as much excitement as Grace had for the camp, and everything went very well.
Pizza for supper
Finn & Eli riding their train together
Bath time!
Story time
Pancakes for breakfast
And 3 tired out boys the next day….this is how Finn handled it
Eli did really well. They were all sleeping by 20h00, which is pretty decent given that there were three excited boys in a room together. Eli did wake up a few times (he has been waking up dreaming quite a bit lately), but Heather sorted him out, and all was good.
Thank you Heather and Pete for having our boy over and looking after him so well so that we could all enjoy the camp with Grace! And thanks Heather for the photos 🙂
It was Grace’s class camp yesterday and we had loads of fun with everyone. I love the way the camp is organised, because it is organised by the children – they worked out the menus, organised the games, planned the schedule and worked together to create a wonderful camp. The food, which was prepared and served by the children was excellent. As parents, we just have to pitch up and have fun.
Once the tents were set up we started with some games and first up was tug-of-war.
Then “dirty rooms” where you try to get all the balls into the other teams section
After that time for a swim in the dam
Drumming circle
Charades around the camp fire
Cuddles with Andrea
Smoking sticks in the morning fire
Super cuties
Letting the (willing) children queue to pump up the mattress
One of Adam’s favourite activities at the moment is climbing whatever he can find to climb. All of these photos are from today. No baby was harmed in the capturing of these photos.
Let’s start by climbing up onto the couch
And then climb up the jungle gym ladder
Time to go under something
All the way up my sisters chair (which has been used to get onto the kitchen counter before)
In and out the sandpit (still struggles with this a bit, especially out)
And finish it off by climbing the small plastic chair while dad reads stories