Posts in Category: Uncategorized

Down hill train

Addy was discovering some train joy with some down hill train runs 

HCBs and balloon punches 

We decided to try our hand at making some hot cross buns, and they turned out pretty well. Grace seems to entirely love them… 

Pre-baking yumminess 

We used Jamie Oliver’s recipe (with some small modifications due to the spices on hand). I think I would add more spice if we try this again. 

After Yann’s party we had been introduced to punch balloons, so just because we can…

Yann’s birthday 

We had the privilege of joining some new friends and old, to celebrate Yann’s birthday. 

We had a great time hanging out, throwing Frisbee, and relaxing while the kids had fun playing. 

When you’re ahead stay a head… 

The chair monkey 

Adam was going round and round, just repeating this over and over again – our little chair monkey. 

The bat song

Eli has been learning new songs and even learning some of them in Afrikaans….

Here are the words (Afrikaans and English versions):

Vlermuis slaap nou,
vlermuis slaap nou,
hou nie van die dag nie,
hou nie van die dag nie,
hy jag snags.
Bats are sleeping,
bats are sleeping,
upside down,
upside down.
Sleeping in the morning sun,
waiting for the night to come,
then he flies around.

Last day of summer 

The last day of summer came with a wave of heat and a a super calm day over False Bay. We headed out in the late afternoon to explore the beaches of Gordon’s Bay, have a picnic supper and enjoy some time together

Clambering on the beach rocks

The sea had a flat Mediterranean feel about it

Team wet, team dry 

The Minimetsi’s came for a play date today and for one activity they broke up into teams to tackle the task together. Anna and Eli were on the dry team, with Grace and Nyasha in the wet team – cupcake baking, it’s a team sport. 

Unfortunately in the background the Micrometsi (George who is 9 months old) had Adam tackling her and pulling her hair, and two parents who didn’t know how to stop him from being a ruffian. 

Pancakes and potties 

Grace made some pancakes with the help of her trusty assistant 

Addy discovered a new time for reading

The milk tart cake

Donné made a cake which is pretty much the cake equivalent of a milk tart – the icing has milk tart filling mixed into it! It was for a birthday celebration for Stephanie and Andrea (two of the teachers from school), and was very well received by all. Personally I really loved the look of this cake – it has a very sophisticated look (and was delicious to eat). 


Up! It is a somewhat magical word in our house. Something simple that a young child can really use to get their message across. The thing is, for us, Grace was over two and required a fair amount of speech therapy before she said it. Eli, I’m not really sure, but he was definitely older.

Adam, on the other hand, he is sprouting new words everyday – he seems to be having a growth spurt with his speech…and yes, he can now ask to go, “Up!”