Posts in Category: Uncategorized

All you need is love – ouch! 

Grace’s class has been learning, “All you need is love,” and she has been bringing back lessons for Eli and Adam. Adam likes the “love, love” part and adds his own twist to it all. 

Addy swing

Adam leveled up on his swinging skills

Addy and the animals 

Even Apple is willing to get some love from Adam these days. 

Adam decided to go fishing for a while

Wishing on dandelions 

A cloudy, cool, but rain free day meant we could get out for a walk to soothe Adam’s soul. He seems to need a bit of fresh air and the walk did him good. 

Gracie found some dandelions to spread on the wind. 

Eli and the magician

Last weekend we went to Hunter’s Paw Patrol party and one of the events was a magician, which Eli was wowed with. The magic just blew him away, everything from transporting coins to ventriloquism had him gaping in awe. I wish I could have captured the exact look of amazement that he had when helping with one of the tricks 

Helping with the expanding and shape chaging balls

Paw Patrol – Eli’s favourite show

Eli’s box

Over the weekend Eli wanted to do some woodwork and decided to make a box. His up-skilling for the session was learning to use a proper wood saw. 

We didn’t get all of the sides done before Adam woke up, but he was happy to turn it into a different style of box, one without the last side.

He did really well with the saw, and he’s getting much better with the drill and cordless screwdriver. 

Rainy day activities 

Since school was cancelled today,  due to the poor weather,  we had a day filled with baking, reading, a movie and some fun with kinetic sand.  

The final time, week 1 

I started potty training with Adam last week. Yes I’m partly crazy it’s winter and he is 19 months, but I potty trained the other two by 20 months and I have everything to gain (no more nappies!) and only some wet clothes to lose (Yay for wooden floors).  And in my personal experience, all of 2 kids, I think potty training before 2 years old is easier than after.  So with all that in mind, Adam showing interest and me being in the mental space to do it, we started. 

Potty training with a view

The first week went well with maybe 2 or 3 accidents a day usually in the start of the day when everyone is busy. Friday we had no accidents and Duncan bravely took Adam to a party on Saturday in underpants and he came back in the same clothes he went in… Go Adam go (and Duncan)! 

So as we start week 2 I’m hoping for a poo in the potty. Once that happens we will be well on our way to having a potty trained toddler, I can’t wait! (in reality that means being his bladder brain, but I’m okay with that. 

A first

Today Grace and I went to watch Beauty and the Beast at the cinema. What made it momentous, is that it was her first movie at the cinema and my first in about 5 years!! 

Besides it being significant it was also fitting, since Duncan and I watched it live on stage when Grace was still growing in my tummy.  I remember clearly, her kicking away to the music. I guess Beauty and the Beast will always hold special memories to me.  

Grace and I had a wonderful afternoon together and she already has a list of movies she would like to see next. 

It’s the little things 

I was sitting with Adam this morning going through a few word books and a Farmyard Tales book, specifically looking for all the little hidden yellow ducks and it got me thinking how lucky I am to be at home with my kids. 

Each of my children, in their first 3 years before going to school, have had individual time with me  (mostly in the mornings) to build a puzzle, read a book, or play in the garden.  They have been shopping partners and my coffee date (okay maybe that was only Eli). We have learnt our colours, and numbers, we have sung songs, we have watched birds, squirrels and fish. We have napped together,  baked together, painted and played with playdough together. Each day filled with little moments of time together. 

Yes there have been, and there still are boring and mundane moments, lonely and difficult moments, but this morning as I sat quietly with Adam looking through books I’ve probably looked at a 100 times, I felt happy.