A change in perspective

I remember (pre-Grace) talking to parents of young children and quite a few of them having clear plans for the children’s school path – this preschool feeds into that primary school which in turn feeds into the best high school (and all the waiting lists involved). I don’t think I’ve been very good at having that long term view through my life (although I’ve been working on it this year) so I always found it a bit strange, partly just because life changes, people move, and having a super clear path that far ahead seemed to put you in one place for a long time.

My perspective has changed a bit, mainly just because I have realised how fast time can pass when you are busy with a child. It is not so much that life flits by, but more that sense that if we don’t prepare in advance it will catch up with us quickly. The flow of time is very different with a child around.

We don’t have it figured out yet. We have considered Montessori schools, but need to find out a bit more (i.e. visit an open day). I want Grace to be empowered by her schooling – empowered to think about the world with an open mind, and eventually to become someone who can affect change in the world around her.

Grace is doing much better in herself today. She seems to be feeling better now that the antibiotic course is complete. Her tummy is more normal, and her whole demeanour was much better today. She should be back to 100% through the course of this week.


  1. Reply
    Anonymous April 5, 2011

    I just love your blog! Glad that Grace is feeling better.

  2. Reply
    Donne Drennan April 5, 2011

    I’m glad you are enjoying it maatjie

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