Baggy Butt

I love that Grace at 21 months is potty trained

I love that I don’t have to change nappies

I love that I don’t have to wash / buy nappies

I love being able to buy her cute panties

What I didn’t realise when we decided to potty train Grace at 19 months is that any form of pants (whether they be jeans, leggings etc) for 2 year olds are still designed with nappies in mind. Okay granted the 24 month old clothes are still a little big for Grace, but with no nappy on, they just don’t fit her around the waist making her look like a “baggy-pant hooligan.”   As a result we have to roll the top of her pants over so they “fit” a little better.

There is some irony in this since when Grace was wearing cloth nappies I found that clothes were designed for the disposable nappy, rather than a bulkier cloth nappy, making certain clothing items a definite no. 

Oh well I suppose I shouldn’t complain, I would still choose a baggy butt over changing nappies any day!    

Baggy Butt


Neat Butt


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