Playing through

We’ve had a life goal of making it through a round of JBay putt-putt since Donné’s birthday 2yrs ago. That was when Adam tripped and split his head open during our last game.

So we set off with high hopes on our final day of holiday.

Eli was, well….let’s just say he didn’t start well. By the third hole he was grumping and moaning big time. I had gotten tense with this whole situation and then decided to make sure I didn’t let his attitude drag me down, when he turns to Donné and says (angry and grumpy), “Adam ruined it for us last time, so I’m going to run it for us this time.”

That very nearly resulted in him being taken home, but we all took a deep breath and remembered that sometimes he just needs a moment to calm. He and Donné are similar that way – it is often best to just let them take some time to cool off. So we left him alone and a few holes later he was actually playing with us (not zooting off ahead) and we had a good time.

Round of putt-putt complete with no injuries incurred.


The sunglasses gang

The longer the book, the more likely it is that story time ends like this

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