Monthly Archives: May 2018

Faint – the game

Grace, Eli and Adam had an interesting game going this afternoon

Family fun day

We all enjoyed a great Newberry family fun and sports day.

Eli and Addy defending the goals

Shoot for the moon my boy

Addy raced in the toddler bike & running races and put all his effort into it (which was rewarded with a 1st place)

Getting ready for the race (also known as holding him back)

Eli had some fun with the potato race

Little garden

After a big Checkers shop there were lots of seeds to plant

Adam’s first day

Adam started school today!

I think Donné was the most nervous. Adam definitely had his reservations as we approached his classroom door, but the promise of feeding the chickens drew him in and it was time for us to leave our biggest little guy to embark on his school journey.

Grace visited him at break, but she said it might not have been a good idea because he was calling, “Gracie, Gracie!” when she had to go back to class.

We’ve always celebrated with a breakfast after the first drop off, so we enjoyed some peaceful time together at Vergelegen.

The poor little guy had tears in his eyes when we collected him, but he was okay and seemed to be fine with the idea of returning tomorrow – we’ll see how drop off goes in the morning!