Monthly Archives: November 2015

Concert cuteness and graduation

Last Thursday was the pre-primary concert and graduation, and all the children had loads of fun.


I did love our dear little bear in all his cuteness




He insisted on that particular, and too big, costume…let’s call it “with extra length”


Our bouncing rose fairy







Chelsea & Dominique


Grace: “When I grow up I want to be a shop owner, because everyone needs to buy food. If I can’t be a shop owner, I want to be a mommy, because mommies rock!”


Congratulations my girl!


The weight on my shoulders…

…is (quite literally) my children. If you start adding them up, we have Grace at 22kg, Eli at 16kg and Adam at 5kg – 43kg.


The Great Doctor Eli

Eli was having fun being a doctor to mommy and to Adam – after their check-up everyone needed stickers so that they could be better. Donné says to Eli, “Eli, you are such a good doctor.” Eli, being Eli, says, “I not a good doctor – I a great doctor!”


I think these two are going to have a special relationship…at least if Eli ever bothers to give Adam some space.


Oh Christmas tree (lights)

We got home after the school concert last night and it was getting dark which meant we could put the Christmas tree lights on for the children. We turn the lights on and Eli, standing in front of the tree in awe, says, “Wooow – that’s amazing.”

Aye, aye, Captain!

Adam Drennan, boldly sleeping where no baby has slept before


Photo roundup

Grace says, “You’ll never believe this – Eli is sleeping on the floor downstairs!” This was when the poor boy was sick over the weekend, and he fell asleep while we were getting ready for bath time at the end of the day.


Little brother cuddles


Rhythm sticks at the class outing (which they made)


Strawberry picking at the class outing


The hat

I’m trying to decide if he is going farming or fishing


Painting decorations

Grace and Eli painted some new decorations for the tree



And Donné also made her contribution


Christmas trees and other activities

We always put up our Christmas tree a bit early so that we can enjoy it before going on holiday, and Grace has been asking when it was going to happen. Eli was super enthusiastic. I think he has reached an age where Christmas is very exciting in all its aspects – decorations in the shops, a Christmas tree at home, and I’m sure he’ll be bouncing come Christmas day.





And now a word on how blogs, Facebook, etc. can be entirely misleading:

If you look at the post above you probably think we spent the day playing Christmas music and decorating the tree. Well, actually, those photos are from yesterday. Today we dealt with gastro bugs….not quite the same level of fun. Eli and I have fallen prey to the bug Grace had last week, Adam and Donné are holding out.

Here is a snippet from before bath time:

Duncan: puts down Adam and runs to bathroom
Grace: Dad, are you going to vomit?
Duncan: Blweahh [vomiting]
Grace: Dad, are you vomiting? This is the first time I’ve seen you vomit! [very excited]
Duncan: Blweahh [vomiting]
Grace: I’m never seen you vomit before dad! [very excited]
Duncan: Blweahh [vomiting]
Grace: Mommy! This is the first time I’ve seen dad vomit! [very excited]
Duncan: Blweahh [vomiting]

So remember, the lens of Facebook and the internet is skewed and you shouldn’t compare yourself with anyone online.

Sleeping like an Oinky

I’m not too sure who is copying who, but I think it may have been Oinky who decided to sneak up and copy Eli
