Monthly Archives: May 2014

My cutie pies


Nom, nom, crunchy

Enjoying a crunchie after a nap


We have a new home

Our bond has been approved by at least one bank, which means we have a new home in Somerset West 🙂 We’re still waiting for feedback from the other banks, but that is now just about getting a better interest rate. The sale of our home is entirely finalised now, and it is just a matter of signing documents and going through the transfer process.

Things have worked out amazingly well, and we have been very blessed through this process. A big thank you to God for the blessing of a wonderful new home, and a quick and painless sale of our current home, as well as a big thank you to my parents for the help they’ve given us.

Grace prayed just about every night, for a number of weeks for a house that had a pool. She would draw a house, a sun and a pool as her prayer. Her prayers have been answered, because we have a pool, as well as a house which gets lots of light coming into it.

Shorty after our offer was accepted Grace made a picture of our new house


I made cream cheese!

Yummy, home made cream cheese


It turns out that making cream cheese is super, super easy. Mix, wait, strain…poof! you’ve got cream cheese. I followed the cream cheese recipe on Wonderland Kitchen, and it really came out perfectly.

I used buttermilk as the starter, and the only minor change I made was to use 1/4 of a Mad Millie rennet tablet which I got from yuppiechef.

It is a bit cooler at the moment, so to keep it at the right temperature (about 22-25°C) I put it into a cooler box with a filled hot water bottle (not touching) which worked perfectly.

The next step is to find a cost effective supply of bulk cream, then cream cheese can be a part of every meal….nom, nom, nom.

Easy peesy, lemon squeezy

Grace has discovered the art of making lemonade, which involves…

Squeezing half a lemon into a cup



Adding water


Mix in some sugar, and enjoy


She seems to quite enjoy her home made “lemonade”. She and Hannah were asking to make lemonade over the weekend, so I gave them the ingredients and let them make their own creations. Now Grace wants to make lemonade every day.

Eli says more

Eli is saying a few words, and right now he is enjoying saying “more” – especially if it is something fun he wants to do again…or some yummy food he wants more of.

Handyman Eli

I was taking down Grace’s butterfly light and Eli was helping out


No entrance?

Special privileges for Mr Vida…


Morning and evening

Breakfast in bed with mommy


Supper with Grace on the couch (a very unusual occurrence)


Rolling in the sand
