Monthly Archives: January 2013

More freedom

Donné and Grace met with the Bradshaw's at Stodels this morning and the two 3 year olds had a blast playing together and entertaining themselves. Grace has suddenly become a lot more independent when playing with friends, and the two of them played on the jungle gyms, went on the carousel, fed the animals, took turns doing things (this is also a pleasant development!), jumped on the trampoline, went to the toilet together sans parents, played in the sandpit and just had fun.

It can be tough being 3


He fits!

Grace was quite excited that Eli fitted into her dolls cot, "He fits! He fits!"



Grace said, "Doggie," for the first time today after always saying, "Goggie," and "donkey" versus "gonkey." It was quite a wow moment for us.



Reading to my brother


Questions, toothbrushes and taking it slow

Holiday school started again today, so it was Grace's first day back which went fairly well (except for the expected not-so-well drop off). It did lead to what was possibly the most exciting thing in the day for Grace – getting a new toothbrush as her special surprise after school. For some reason the child loves new toothbrushes (and manages to destroy them quickly enough too).

Grace was packing away her books at the end of the day and doing it really slowly. After I told her to get a move on she says, "I have to pack away slowly, else my arm will break in two."

Grace is asking lots of questions at the moment. Tonight she had lots to say about the book, "Ten apples up on top". A brief extract of the questions,

G: why does she have a mop?
D: because she is cleaning.
G: why did she chase them away?
D: because they were inside her house
G: why were they inside her house?
D: to get more apples to put on their heads
G: why did they put apples on their heads?
D: because they were having fun playing a game together
G: what happened to the mop?
…..and this list could go on and on…

I need to wee!

Grace has suddenly developed a competitive streak. Unfortunately for Donné the race she wants to compete in the most is to see who can get to the bathroom first. If Donné says she needs to go then Grace suddenly develops an urge, shouts, "I need to go wee!" and starts the race for the loo.

Fortunately this can also be used against her when we want her to go before we leave the home…

Saturday fun

Today was the reunion of the fabulous four after the holiday break. Emma, Grace, Hannah and Caitlin had loads of fun today at Emma's birthday party playing on the slip-n-slide and just enjoying playing together. I also got a decent work out shooting children down the slide….which fits in perfectly with my plan to be more active.

Elephant cuddles


Post bath cuteness


Pork chop to air traffic control

Air traffic control, please come in



Donné drew a stick man (daddy), and Grace followed with mommy, Grace and Eli….all proportionally sized (from right to left)


Errm, I think there is something behind me…


Ear defenders & rolling

Unfortunately Eli is disliking car trips at the moment and screaming (unless an adult is in the back with him), but fortunately when your brother is screaming in the back seat next to you, all it takes is some ear defenders to help you nap.


This morning Eli was lying on his tummy next to me on the bed. Donné suddenly says, "Quick, move your legs, he is trying to roll." Move legs…3…2…1…and he rolled for the first time! Tummy to back. Just once, but he did manage to pull it off all on his own.

Honey! Look what I got from the shop today…
