Monthly Archives: October 2012


The baby swing

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Little boy cudddles



Gradually Grace’s colouring in skills are improving


Grace working on her camera skills


Relief snacks

Today we got some relief – Eli returned to normal after a touchy start to the day. It is always difficult to say exactly what has helped, but Donné found Colic Calm which seems to have worked a charm….and does no harm (couldn't resist that last one). So we're had more sleeping and (other than this morning) no crying due to what is clearly discomfort. Thank you Lord.

Grace hasn't really been eating her snack at school, so yesterday morning we were trying to encourage her to eat so that she could feel well for ballet. So she says to us, "I won't need to eat later because I just ate a massive bowl of muesli.".

Things change

I had to go and say that “So far” things have gone relatively well. You know it is always dangerous to say something like that, that the chances are the universe will see it as a taunt and retaliate appropriately. The last couple of days Eli has really been struggling with what appears to be reflux. That means he has been restless during the day, and his sleep keeps getting disturbed by either the discomfort or some spew.Seeing your little baby cry and wriggle in discomfort while you try unsuccessfully to settle them is distressing. Fortunately he has been settling at night.

One thing is for sure though, things will change (again) and it will pass. Having perspective was one of the things that was really difficult the first time around – there were times when it felt like it was never going to end or get better. Now, with a little bit of experience, we know it will pass. For me, that perspective makes such a difference.

Lunchtime dad


If this is the scene at lunch time, then you know it’s been a rough day. Restless baby, moaning 3 year old, worn out mom. Eli had a rough day – he seemed to be having some reflux and was unhappy, which is tired to have to deal with all day, so kudos to Donné for caring for him and looking after our slightly sick and touchy little girl.

I wanted to add some insight from the day, but they all just seemed like platitudes. All we can do is love our children to the best of our abilities.

Night time “routine”

Our current night time "routine" goes something like this (with the goal of getting Donné the longest block of sleep possible):

Ideally Eli's feeding time coincides with us getting out of the bath, then Donné feeds Eli. Duncan and Eli head for the couch and Eli is snuggled to sleep. Duncan often falls asleep too. Donné peacefully sleeping in bed. Duncan wakes up from power nap with stiff neck. Donné peacefully sleeping in bed. Duncan quickly tries to complete blog post before clock strikes 12. Duncan finishes cleaning kitchen or commences with some work. Eli peacefully asleep on couch, Donné peacefully asleep in bed. Eli get's restless (yay if 5 hours since last feed, boo if only 3 hours). Depending on time, Duncan crashes into bed, Eli is feeding, Donné awake. Donné cuddles Eli to sleep. 3-4 hours and Eli wakes up for more food. Donné feeds, Duncan sleeps. Eli poops. Duncan does sleepy middle of night nappy change (yay if we get through this without being pooped or peed on, boo if it gets so messy that Eli needs a clothes change). Duncan sleeps, Donné feeds and cuddles Eli to sleep. Alarm goes off, Grace comes to say good morning. Let's start the day.

So far

Eli is nearly a month old, and so far I think we’re doing okay. We are still all adjusting in our own ways, but when I compare things to how they were when we had Grace, I think we’re doing remarkably well. There is still more adjusting to do, and somewhere along the line we’ll hit some sort of wobble(s), but for now we’re doing okay. Thank you Lord for being with us, helping us, and for blessing us with someone who seems to be a relatively easy going child. May we give him and our beautiful daughter all the love, care and input that they need. May our family always remain strong in you.

I love my brother!


Hmm, reading makes me sleepy


The skeleton song

Grace came home today, face full of red mud from school, sat down in the courtyard behind her room and starting singing. First she sung the song that they use to gather the children to the mat for group time, and then she started the skeleton song (the hip bone’s connected to the thigh bone). And on and on she went, whenever there happened to be a moment, singing the skeleton song.

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Being at school has really encouraged her to sing and she now spends quite a bit of time singing.

Breastfeeding cushions are for more than just brestfeeding


It’s so beautiful

This morning Grace and I spent some time in the garden painting while Donné and Eli got some more rest. I've always been loathe to paint with her because of the mess and the potential clothes destruction, but a recent discovery has been the joy of powder paint – it is super easy to clean! Today we had lots of fun mixing colours and seeing what we got.

We had finished painting with the one piece of paper and had put it aside to dry and at one point Grace stands up, looks at the painting and says, "My picture, it's bootiful."

Something old, something new

This baby grow was Grace's and we always thought it was really cute (love the ducky feet), and now we get to enjoy Eli in it.


Grace was entirely nappy rash free – she never once had nappy rash, so we weren't even ever sure what it looked like. But now we know. Another first for us was Eli having a nappy rash – unfortunately not a great first to have.

Grace made a collage which she gave to Keren. She did the entire collage on her own, from cutting out the pictures (with a little verbal input to make sure she went around the animals and not through them) to gluing them on – it was entirely her own work.


Bath time helper

Bath time may be easier with Eli – I have a willing helper who would love to be in charge of washing her brother. Grace loves to help wash Eli, first cleaning his feet, then his legs, a little rub for his tummy, cleaning each little arm and finally a rub for his back. He was even quite laid back about it when she decided to turf a cup full of water over his tummy.