Grace has been willing to share her health status with anyone that is willing to listen. If someone (like a cashier) asks her how she is she says, "Gracie not well. Got a snotty nose." Today, one person just said, "Hello," and they got the full story.
Today we went for coffee and after we had parked the car, Grace turned to Duncan and said "good job dad." Duncan and I were a little confused as to what he had done so we asked her, "Good job for what Grace?" "Parking in the shade". She really is a funny bunny sometimes.
Grace walks into our room this morning, "Good morning mommy!" Pause, "Good morning baby brother!"
Since Grace has stopped sleeping in the day we have introduced a rest time – 45 minutes of quiet time in her bedroom. She can read and play with her toys, but she has to be quiet and stay in her room. Rests have been kind of iffy for a long time now – Grace would only be quiet for a short while, she moaned lots about going to rest, and was just generally difficult around the rests.
We went on our first school visit today, to Montessori @ Home. It was just to see the facilities and to chat with the teachers so all the children had already left when we were there. Grace took a short while and then settled down to exploring some of the toys and equipment that they had, and in the end we spent quite a bit of time playing on the jungle gym outside while Donné chatted to the principle.
Long walks in the ergo, walks to the dam with a little splash, lots of food, swinging, playing with the pigs, eating ice cream cones with melted chocolate and marshmallows – that’s what camps are made of.