For the last few days we have been reading them at bedtime and Grace has been loving them. I'm never really sure if she quite gets the story of the humour, but she does seem to think they are funny and can retell parts of the stories when prompted – "Winnie Pooh hunting woozles," and "Sad donkey, lost tail. Winnie Pooh find on tree."
Grace loves watering the garden. She loves pretty much anything that involves water. She runs around with her watering can and loves to hold the hose pipe. Holding the hose pipe does come with its challenges though, like today when I was hiding behind one of the pillars of the wall telling Grace to turn off the water….and fortunately managed to stay mostly dry. She also has this obsession with trying to water the plants directly at their roots, shoving the nozzle into the ground and wiggling it around – which drives me crazy.
We fell behind with Grace's vaccinations….very behind, and today we were inspired by some events to finally get her to the clinic. Let's start with the event that led to the clinic.
Grace was fetching a puzzle from her puzzle draw and decided to give me one to do. She then searched some more for one for her. Let's have a look what we got…..a 120 piece puzzle for Grace…..and a 36 piece for me.
Grace and I have been going to Moms Connect now for about the last month and it is great to see her really enjoying the group. Every week so far she has told me, "All done, go home," but today when I was standing near my bag she got a bit concerned we were going and came to me and said, "No go home, stay Mom's Connect." It made my heart go boom-pity-boom.
After waiting patiently for a tooth I developed a theory that Grace was only going to have 16 teeth…..but today she proved me wrong. Donné felt at the back of her mouth and her left top molar is poking through!
Grace has a habit of moaning instead of actually saying "moaning." Like tonight when she had to say sorry for moaning instead of asking nicely for a knife, it went like this,