Monthly Archives: January 2012

One piggie, Two piggie, Three piggies

While Grace was bathing she started doing a little bop and saying, "Barnee."

I said, "Barney?"
"Brownie?" (she helped Donné make some today)
Pause….while bopping and "Barnee" continue…
"Okay Grace, I'm going to stop guessing and just listen."

Soon afterwards she raised three fingers and said, "Three piggies." Pointing first to her index finger, "One in hay," then to her middle finger, "One in barn," and finally to her ring finger, "One in treee!"

I asked Donné if that was were the three pigs were in the Dora episode, and yes, it was. And they do a dance, which explains the bopping. And "Barnee" was barn. She then ran through the sequence over and over, enjoying it so much, "One in hay, one in barn, one in treeee!"

Her language and her ability to explain herself has taken a leap over the past few weeks, it is absolutely amazing. I so enjoy her ability to speak…and these days she does plenty of speaking 🙂 Love it.