Monthly Archives: January 2012


I have noticed it before, but today I got a mental hook on something that Grace does. If someone comes to visit, or if we go visit, Grace is often very clingy and quiet, just wanting to be held by us. She gradually warms up to the situation and people and sometimes there is a moment when she breaks through and really settles in to the situation.

There are two examples in particular that I can think of. One was today while Jason and Em were visiting. Grace knows them well but we have not seen them for a while, so Grace was very quiet and needy. Grace gradually eased into it, but at one point Em and I were holding a rope between us with a small plastic hoop on it. I lifted up the one side and the ring went sliding down the rope like a zip line. Grace thought that this was very funny and from that point on she really opened up and had some fun.

Another time was a while back when Ben and Fiona were visiting. Fiona let Grace pour some sand on her while sitting in the garden and from that point on she started having way more fun.

The situations made me think of icebreakers – it is almost as if Grace would benefit if we prepared or figured out a way to help her break the ice when she is being a bit shy. If we can time it right, and choose a good activity for the situation Grace might just settle into new environments and groups a bit faster.

Come to think of it, I would probably benefit from some icebreakers too – especially when going into a group of people that I don’t know well.

So nearly done

After a long break Grace is getting back into building puzzles and this round comes with new lingo, like, "Missing pieces," while pointing to everywhere that a piece might go (even when she has only built 4 pieces with 116 still to go).

While she was building today we were getting close to being finished and Grace chirps, "So nearly done!" I just wish I could convey the tone she said it with, it had so much character, "Sooo nearly done!" It had us laughing.

As a side note it is also quite interesting to see how her puzzle building has changed. She is a bit out of practice so it is going a bit slower overall, but in some ways she seems to place pieces a lot faster. She also appears to be getting fixated on finding a home for certain pieces which she did not really do before.

Blessings in business

A few things today reminded me of how blessed I have been in my business, so here are some things I am grateful for,

My clients that I work with are amazing people who have always treated me well – I am really grateful for them and the chance to work with them.

I have always been paid on time, for which I am truly grateful. This goes back to my clients being amazing people.

Work is coming in continuously – there is too much for me to handle alone. It is exciting and presents new challenges and opportunities. I am grateful that there is an abundance.

I am grateful that I get to do something which I love. I am grateful that I get to give my art to the world.

I am truly grateful for what I have. Thank you Lord, may I use it wisely.

Mind, Body, Soul

I met with one of my wise friends today. While she was discussing her children’s extramural activities, I commented that they were involved in such varied activities.  She told me that in her house she has a rule for extramural involvement.  They have to participate in:
  • One activity for the body
  • One activity for the mind and
  • One activity for the soul.

I really think that these are wise words not only for children but for everyone both young and old.  It is a wonderfully healthy way to live, so I’ve decided that my goal for 2012 is to set about making time for 3 different activities that fulfill my mind, body and soul to be completed during my free / leisure time.  Once I have decided what I plan to do I will write a follow up post.

We painted today and well lets just say seconds after this photo was taken disaster struck.  Needing to pee (ie Grace waited too long to tell me – waayy to much fun to go until it’s too late) with hands like that resulted in paint on my dress, her dress, the potty and who knows where else.  Only solution to dump her in the bath.  I can’t say I was a particularly happy mommy  


Colouring in

Watching Grace grow and learn fascinates me. It's an amazing time to observe her sponge like brain taking in all things and learning new skills each and everyday. She has been colouring in pictures for a while now but in the last few weeks has started becoming aware of colouring in between the lines rather than just scribbling over the whole picture. I often colour in with her but have not made a big fuss about how she chooses to colour in her picture so it really interests me that she is now choosing different colours rather than just one colour for the whole picture and is trying to stay between the lines.

Grace's picture of her pig


Sjoe! Dis warm

35º in the shade today, so Donné decided that Grace's nap should happen in the lounge under the watchful eye of the air conditioner…and Grace rested peacefully.


Story time for Spicy cat


Heard it in the playground

We had a lovely breakfast with Stephan and Izelle at Rhodes Memorial this morning. There is a play area which the children enjoy and the conversations are always entertaining.


One little girl, a bit older than Grace, came up to me,

"My dress is dirty."
"Are you going to wipe it off to clean it?"
"I will put it in the wash."
"Oh, who is going to help you put it in the wash?"

And there I was expecting her to say mommy.


There was a dad with his two daughters at the playground.  The eldest (about 10 years old) was sitting in the tree trying to figure out how she was going to climb down.  Her father told her to lean forward and he would catch her.  She was very cautious holding on and not wanting to let go which resulted in a rather amusing struggle.  Once she was on the ground the dad asked her why she was afraid and told her he had her.  She turned to him and said "well you not as strong as you used to be" 🙂

Fixing my nifty-fifty (Canon 50mm f1.8 II)


Whoops…I don’t recall buying a tilt lens.

I accidently did not secure my camera to the tripod properly and my 50mm became a tilt lens (I probably should have tried taking a photo with it like that, but was not sure of the damage). It just fell a short distance, but the plastic body lens does not take much abuse. These lenses are really cheap (but great value) and at the cost of repairing it you might as well just buy another one. So those were my options: buy a new one, or try fixing it.

So fix it we shall…..first step, carefully dismantle.


Where did that piece fit again?

Fortunately nothing broken, just a few plastic clips that hold it together. Let’s put it back together now….


Quick, take a photo before it falls apart!

Ah, that looks a bit better. The autofocus sounds like a coffee grinder but works. And the photos? They seem perfect and the last few days photos on the blog have been with the repaired lens – yay for flash free low light photography. Fortunately the autofocus has settled down and sounds better now – I think it was not seating in the grooves properly, but settled in after a few photos.

And by now I am sure you are wondering how I managed to take it all apart and put it back together successfully…..I googled how to fix it and found these awesome step-by-step instructions. In total, including cleaning and figuring out how to clip it all back together, it took about an hour to repair the lens. Definitely worth it and a lot of fun.


Grace to me this afternoon: "hear rain" pause "need raincoat, boots."  Before I had a chance to respond she was in her bedroom looking for her raincoat and gumboots.  

All kitted out for the 5 minutes of rain


Since the rain proved to be no fun she decided to draw with her chalk on her table.  Every time I asked her what she was drawing she told me Swiper (the fox) from Dora. 


Rolla Ball and Pasta shoving

Exploring painting with her Rolla Balls.  She had lots of fun making circles and drawing lines.  Grace loves doing crafty things and sand art is still very much on the "currently in" list.

First you take the lid off ..

Then you paint


And this is how we roll…we shove as much food into our mouth at once. Biting off and eating small mouthfuls is never part of the plan. 
