Tomorrow a builder will be coming to knock a hole in the wall of our house, and to knock another one in the wall of the granny flat. It marks the end of an era, the end of my office being inside our house. It is going to be a bit strange to be outside of the living part of our house, to be less aware of the goings on in my home, and one step further away from Grace.
After a few days of bouncing and flailing her arms wildly, Grace has discovered her hop. Donné and I are both a bit sad we missed a video of the wild flailing jumping – it became a much more controlled hop overnight.
Grace and I melted a bar of 70% Lindt chocolate and made some bears from chocolate moulds. I think the photos below give you an indication of the pure delight of the activity 🙂
The geoboard that Annie made for The Cousin Who Shall Not Be Named inspired us to make one for Grace. A geoboard is a board with a bunch of pegs on it and elastic bands are stretched between the pegs. It can be used to learn basic maths skills. It is really easy to make one, and it only took us a couple of hours from start to finish (which included a trip back to the store for more spray paint).
We have a little pre-bath tradition. Once Grace's teeth are brushed she takes off her clothes (she just needs help with her top) and I run the bath. Once she is ready and I am still busy getting the water temperature right I tell her, "Grace, its time for your naked run." She then opens the door and runs wildly down the passage, and usually dives onto the couch. It gives me some space to sort out the bath without having to worry about her throwing things in, or trying to put her hands into hot water.
This evening was the first time ever that Grace actually indicated that she was ready to go to sleep about 30 minutes earlier than normal bedtime. Obviously a day of baking, walking to the park to set our little tadpoles free, playing with the marble run and just being with friends resulted in a very tired little girl. This is the same little girl who if you ask her if she is tired always and I mean always says no.
Grace surprised me today with a little bit of negotiation while eating supper.
A week and a half ago Grace fell quite awkwardly while visiting friends and seemed to hurt her arm quite badly. There was lots of crying but eventually things settled down. We were pretty worried she might have fractured it somehow at the time, but after that she could still do everything that she usually does. The only problem (which is still a problem) is that when she falls in anyway she seems to hurt her arm and starts saying "sore arm."