Discovering new ways to have fun with balloons
The Drennan household is currently in a good groove. You might recall that a short while ago I reinstituted "adult baths" and the impact it has had on our relationship has been quite phenomenal. That thirty minutes to and hour of just talking about the day, how we are, how Grace is doing, what is bouncing around in our heads and so on, and has been really restorative for our relationship – we feel connected again. And the obvious effect of that is that the household just runs better. As Donné said, you don't realise what was missing until you bring it back.
Grace has generally been a child that can entertain herself, but in the last week or so she has wanted Duncan and I to play a lot more with her. She loves her morning time with Duncan and the last few days they have been making houses for Daisy (WOW toy) and Little Girl (Duplo girl) with her Duplo blocks. Today's house was rather impressive, pity I didn't take a photo before it was demolished.
Grace and mom having some fun playing on the ball and doing wheelbarrows and somersaults.
We went out today to have some coffee and get a few things and while we were out went to look at some children’s clothes. Grace appears to have some decent shopping experience. While we were looking at the clothes, she would take a pair of pants off the rack, hold them with the hanger at her waist and the legs lined up with hers, look down to see how they would look on her, and nod happily (then put them back and start the process over again).
Today was the monthly friends get together, so Donné and Grace went off to the Southern 'burbs for the day. Before these get togethers (or other events) we usually chat to Grace about what is going to happen, both to gauge her feeling about the event and to try to build some excitement. Often she will respond with "No," or turn her face away and "hide" while we chat to her about what is going to happen, but there is usually at least one thing that we can get her excited about (at the moment the prospect of seeing Aunty Mel is getting her very excited).