Schooling at Home
Today was day 2 of schooling at home. I won’t call it home schooling because I definitely do not have the resources that a home schooler would have during a regular term.
We started the day with conference calls to both Grace and Eli’s teachers which was a catch up for everyone and to determine both of Grace and Eli’s needs.
Eli and Grace were both super helpful with Adam while the other had their conference calls and Grace even took Adam to bake some fresh scones for tea. They are both very kind to their young brother.
Eli and I are working on his cursive writing and his story telling. He has also been enjoy working through some basic math on his own and catching up with his friends.

Grace is feeling frustrated with not being able to get on with some work. So we sat down and discussed a way forward for her. She enjoyed making up a story using the story blocks and emailing her teachers to request work ?

Adam is by far the easiest to engage and we had a busy day of making clouds, doing experiments, practicing writing, learning letters, throwing beanbags and just playing

After some jumping on the trampoline before bath time they came in and while Duncan helped Grace with some Math work, Eli and Adam both took out work to do, which was very cute.